Bei Scam-Mails handelt es sich rechtlich gesehen um versuchten Betrug. Mit der Vortäuschung falscher Tatsachen sollen wir dazu gebracht werden Dienstleistungen zu erbringen oder Geld zu investieren. Oft macht man sich dabei auch selber strafbar.
Mehr Informationen zum Thema finden Sie in folgendem Wikipedia-Artikel.

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Confirm your prize award

You have won 1,500.000.00 (One million Five hundred thousand Euro),in the Cisco international Classic Email Sweepstakes Program, held on the 30th September 2014, In Amsterdam Netherland. You are hereby officially notified of this award and to advised to contact the processing office immediately. For the claim,

Contact: Dr. Donald Richie
City/Country: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Telephone No: 0031-6197-03948
Reply to Email:

It is important to note you that your award information was released With the following particulars attached to it.

E-mail Ticket Number: NL71425-63413
Reference Number: NED/6221-7846
Serial Number: 15425-647814CC
Amsterdam Batch Nr: 4517-5542GG
Draw Lucky Numbers: DS1074-2417NL

You are requested to state your full name & telephone Number in your confirmation of this prize.

Note: all winning must be claimed not later than 30th Working days

Sandra van Molenwijk.

Infos zu Lottery-Scam finden sie hier.

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