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Von Jeffery Mckenzie

Dear Friend,

Pardon my intrusion; my name is Lieutenant Jeffery McKenzie, presently I'm on active duty in Iraq. Please, I have an obscured business proposal that will be of mutual benefit to both of us.

Few days ago, my colleagues and I intercepted a radical ISIL courier responsible for the transportation of huge amount of funds and on this unfortunate incident, we rounded up a total of US$9,5 Million United States Dollars which we have kept confidential.

After detailed discussion with my platoon, we came to a conclusion that if the funds are handed over to the Iraqi Police,
there is the possibility that the funds will be confiscated for their personal consumption. Therefore, it was my duty to find a foreign partner whom will receive this fund for the benefit of us all.

With all due humility, I want you to be our partner in receiving this funds. The funds will be moved out of this country through a air cargo transport means and all you are required to do is receive the funds and an account will be provided to you, which you will use in transferring our share.

Our word is our life, I personally assure you that this fund has been carefully contained and there is no need to worry about the source as we will not do anything that will bring problems to you or traced back to us.

For your honest participation in this deal, we are ready to divide the funds into three equal parts, one third will be for you, while the remaining will be for us, and that include our Iraqi team mates.

If you are willing, please do not hesitate to contact me with your
Full names:
phone number:
current residential address:

Please send the above information to my private Email :  if you are willing.


Lieutenant Jeffery Mckenzie

Es ist nicht davon auszugehen, dass dieser Mann tatsächlich ein Soldat ist! Auch wenn seine Geschichte stimmen würde, sollten Sie dringend davon absehen sich der Beihilfe zur Geldwäsche schuldig zu machen.
Mehr Infos zu Nigeria-Scam finden Sie hier.

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